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Other DisciplinesFrench language
These tools and lessons provide French language educators the opportunity to expand their students’ skills and knowledge in connection with a “once in a century” commemorative moment that is of profound importance to France and its people.
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Featured links:
(FRENCH) Haïkus & photographie: "The turning point of the World War"
Students (age 6-19) are invited to create and submit Haiku poems inspired by images of Château-Thierry during war. | First World War Centennial Committee of Château-Thierry
Mission Centenaire - Espace Pedagogique
(IN FRENCH) Educational lessons and tools curated by France's official centenary organization. | Mission Centenaire 14-18
Search the National WWI Museum & Memorial Resource Database
More resources/lessons
» Mission Centenaire – Secondary school education resources
(IN FRENCH) Tool and resources aimed at French secondary school and college students. | Mission Centenaire 14-18
» Mission Centenaire - Primary school education resources
(IN FRENCH) Tools and resources aimed at French primary school children. | Mission Centenaire 14-18
» The First World War through Youth Literature
(IN FRENCH) Recommended reading and approaches to learning for younger readers and students. | Mission Centenaire 14-18